01 |
Railways should legislate suitable speed restriction while passing Double Yellow (YY) and Yellow (Y) aspects of signals in Automatic Block Section for guidance of crew. |
78408/ 29.09.2016 |
ECoR |
02 |
Ladders of the signals in the section shall be removed and lightweight movable ladder can be given to Maintainers to maintain the signal by taking disconnection and block. |
40518/ 23.02.2017 |
SR |
03 |
A) Portable breathalyzers should be provided to individual CLIs immediately to ensure timely conduct of Breathalyzer test during accidents and also use in ambush checks.
B) To make post of DTIs effective to help in strengthening safety in railway working for station staff, it is recommended to have separate cadre of TIs to have better control over SMs.
C) Railway may think over faster mobility of medical doctors to accident site rather than having dependence on ARMEs which at times, take longer times due to section being blocked in accident. |
18005/ 25.06.2019 |
ECoR |
04 |
A) Train escorting staff like TTEs & AC staff (incl OBHS staff) should be given training on use of firefighting equipments and their role should be defined in Accident manual.
B) While proceeding to accident site by road, POMKA must be carried in road vehicle by railway doctors so as to properly attend injured passengers.
C) Aspect of frequently looking back by loco pilot is ‘very essential.’ It is suggested to provide heavy duty ‘Side mirror’ in locos(Similar to road vehicles) to enable LP/ALP to monitor rear view.
D) Railway should discourage use of mobile phone on foot plate duties by LP/ALP. Even if they LP not use official mobile, they can use personal mobile which is difficult to detect. |
15904/ 22.03.2019 |
05 |
Curve No. 6 between King Circle and Mahim Railway Stations is partly under Central Railway while major portion is under Western Railway. This curve should be maintained by one Railway. |
98725/ 25.08.2017 |
WR |
06 |
A) Instantaneous automatic detection & indication system of derailed wheel to loco pilot & immediate automatic application of emergency brakes to bring train to halt.
B) The Railway is running number of trains at 130 KMPH with little time left for maintenance of track and rolling stock. Railway should carry out a comprehensive study of the existing maintenance system for running of trains at 130 KMPH and take appropriate steps in this regard. |
12303/ 20.04.2019 |
07 |
A) The railway should notify the fracture prone sections on its system. A set of special instructions particularly for such sections should be issued by the PCE. |
54703/ 19.11.2016 |
08 |
A) Railway should eliminate all LCs in station yard either by replacing with suitable grade separator (RUB/LHS/ROB) or by shifting LCs beyond top point of the yard.
B) Cab Voice Recorder should be in all Locomotives to record conversations of Loco Pilot & ALP. |
14003/ 10.10.2018 |
NR |
09 |
A) Railway should take action to review system of deploying Contract/ex-Serviceman gatemen on vulnerable gates and instead use railway staff for manning such vulnerable non-interlocked LC gates with heavy TVU.
B) For non-interlocked gates, railway should not have dependence on Private number exchange only by gateman. Para 910(2) of IRPWM mandates that in place of physical private number books, it is preferable to provide automatic Private Number generating device, which generates Private Number only after closure of LC gates and thus enhances safety. Implementation of this provision of IRPWM needs to be completed for non- interlocked gates on top priority.
C) Railway should re-visit the policy of conversion of CTRT to OTRT to the extent that in case one criteria of poor visibility does not get fulfilled, policy should include taking alternate safety measures. |
01463/ 22.11.2020 |
WR |
10 |
A) Railway should take action on war footing to identify & eliminate such Unmanned LC gates still existing on railway lines going to private sidings and passing through public areas.
B) It is noted that LP & ALP both were keeping two mobile phones/SIMs while on duty i.e. personal Sim & CUG Sim and personal mobile was kept in ON position. In view of safety of public involved, railway should consider methodology to discourage carrying of personal mobile on running duty. |
NELM Goods/ 19.01.2020 |
WR |
11 |
Railway Administration shall ensure that the entries in TSR shall not be made before actual train movements at the station. |
47178/ 11.11.2019 |
12. |
PCE should ensure that only competent and trained officers are posted in Bridge organization. Competency of those SSEs who do not belong to Bridge cadre and posted as SSE (Bridge) should be judged & certified by the CBE . |
03.07.2018 | WR |